Chessington Unity Running League – CURL
What is it all about?
CURL is our club league of 15 events across the season, starting in March each year, after the annual prize giving. Events range in distance, terrain and type. We have short one-mile runs, track runs, relay runs, parkruns, fun runs, handicaps and some longer runs. Something for everyone! We aim to ensure that each of our club values are met when we pick the events. We endeavour to choose events that all our members can enter by reviewing accessibly, cost and fun scale.
Members don’t have to enter or commit to every event. The upcoming events are published in the weekly newsletter but can be viewed here too:
Submit your post event form >> here <<
You must be a fully paid-up club member of CURC (subs paid before 01.04)
After every CURL League event you have entered, you must submit a Google Form (see link below the event table) within 7 days of completing the event. If you have recorded a P.B. for the distance, please provide details of the new P.B. and the old time on the form.
BONUS EVENTS: Everyone who completes the run/race will be awarded 3 points.
You must wear club kit (except when running for an official charity, when a charity T-shirt is required). If, for any reason, you don’t have a club t-shirt or vest (maybe it’s still on order, or perhaps your other half has nabbed it), please let a member of the committee know in advance, and we will try to organise a spare.
Must list race entry as Chessington Unity Running Club member (including parkrun).
No points will be awarded if a member runs with a bib/number allocated to someone else, without a formal transfer by the event organiser.
The committee aim to publish the league table as soon as possible after the event. If members spot any discrepancies, these must be reported within 10 days of publication. (Sometimes event organisers have glitches with results, sometimes human error – please let us know so we can attempt to fix errors.)
The committee’s decision is final. Any attempts to exploit or influence points allocation may result in deductions.
Points are awarded as follows:
Completion of an event | 3 points |
Completion of an event with PB for that distance | 5 points |
Completion of the event “first across the line” for CURC members | 3 points for female and male |
Completion of the event “second across the line” for CURC members | 2 points for female and male |
Completion of the event “third across the line” for CURC | 1 point for female and male |
The League will be calculated on the members best 12 scores out of 15 events.